Cyber Security & Compliance



Proposed company regulations will require companies to disclose their cybersecurity governance capabilities, including the board’s oversight of cyber risk, a description of management’s role in assessing and managing cyber risks, with relevant expertise.

As cyber threats increase and companies worldwide bolster their cybersecurity budgets, the regulatory community is advancing new requirements companies will need to know about as they reinforce their cyber strategy.

Most companies focus on cyber protection rather than cyber resilience, and we believe that is a mistake. Resiliency is more than just protection; it’s a plan for recovery and business continuation. Being resilient means that you’ve done as much as you can to protect and detect a cyber incident, and you’ve also done as much as you can to make sure you can continue to operate when an incident occurs. A company who invests only in protection is not managing the risk associated with getting up and running again in the event of a cyber incident.

The ultimate goal of a cyber-resilient company would be zero disruption from a cyber breach.

However, our research uncovered that only 23% of board members think the risk of an attack on their company is very likely. About 47% believe their company is unprepared for a cyber attack, begging the question “what are they doing about this?”  And about one third of board members say they interact with the CISO only when they present to the board.

Our impartial, trusted Tech experts demystify technology to help you innovate and make use of the latest trends to grow through the benefits of Digital Transformation, business process efficiency, innovation and increased scalability while maintaining cyber security, without the cost or effort of recruiting a full time technology leader.  If you want to know more visit  or contact me ([email protected]) today for a confidential and impartial discussion on how we can add value to your business.

Cyber Security & Compliance

#Cyber Security, #Data Security, #Cyber Security Planning,  #Cyber Security Recovery, #ISO27001, #Compliance,