Cyber Security & Compliance


NCSC warns AI will impact cyber security

The United Kingdom’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) warns that artificial intelligence (AI) tools will have an adverse near-term impact on cybersecurity, helping escalate the threat of ransomware. The agency says cybercriminals already use AI for various purposes, and the phenomenon is expected to worsen over the next two years, helping increase the volume and […]

NCSC warns AI will impact cyber security Read More »

Email Security

Have you noticed a change in your emails since 1 February?

Companies such as Google and Yahoo! are rolling our changes to email security from 1 February 2024 which will effect your emails being delivered including emails to clients and any marketing email out reach campaigns you run. The changes are an attempt by the industry to clamp down on the annoying phishing emails we all

Have you noticed a change in your emails since 1 February? Read More »