Technology For Good



At all times, you should be actively trying to limit the likelihood that shadow IT can or will be created in the future, not just addressing existing instances.

Organisational mitigations

It is important to reiterate that most shadow IT is typically not the result of intentional rule-breaking, rather the result of staff trying to ‘get their job done’ where corporately-provided equipment and services are not adequate. In many cases, staff may not realise that they are placing the organisation at risk.

Organisations should:

Avoid unnecessary lockdowns of enterprise IT, such as preventing external collaboration with cloud storage, or not having an instant messaging platform. If you can anticipate your users’ needs, you may be able to prevent shadow IT from starting.

Implement an effective and simple process for addressing users’ requests, which should be put in place as quickly as possible. Again, if users don’t feel their needs are being addressed promptly, it encourages them to implement their own solutions.

Have processes whereby users can quickly get access to services that might be outside what is normally available, in a controlled way, and that can be brought under increasingly tight control as needed.

Introduce processes that can bring the unsanctioned service under control, such as by migrating data into corporately supported platforms.

Develop a good cyber security culture so that staff will be able to communicate openly about issues, including where current policy or processes are preventing them from working effectively. A healthy cyber security culture makes it more likely for people to report instances of shadow IT. They will be reluctant to come forward if they fear they (or other members of staff) will be reprimanded. In other words, a poor security culture means you’re much less likely to detect shadow IT.

Help with addressing specific user needs

Business Technology Leaders has produced a range of guidance that can help organisations address common technology challenges in a safe and secure manner. By providing these services, you may prevent your staff adopting shadow IT to fulfil their genuine user needs.

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