Show recognition and appreciation to individuals for successes big and small by naming them in meetings.
Thank all members of the meeting for their unique contributions.
Foster a healthy organisational culture by remembering to celebrate both financial and non-financial successes.
Emphasise all of the goals of the organisation (e.g., diversity, collaboration, acts of kindness) — not just those directly related to financial gain. Often, the simple act of showing you noticed good work is enough to boost morale.
Truly constructive company meetings depend on both clarity of agenda and cross-functional and cross-organisational openness to sharing ideas and opinions. These are the types of meetings that everyone in the team looks forward to attending each week. They know they will have a chance to be heard and introduce something new. Aim to use new facilitation techniques and collaborative technology to revamp your company’s meetings. Then watch your employee engagement, innovation and performance dramatically boost.
Do you want to transform meetings at your organisation from a routine, unvalued experience to a motivating and inspiring one? The Business Leaders Group delivers strategic solutions that eliminate business concerns for the CEO and their team. If you want to know more visit or contact me ([email protected]) for an informal, confidential, impartial, no obligation and free discussion on how we can add value to your business.
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