Each organisation has a different objective.
Most cyber attacks succeed by taking advantage of common failures in their target’s systems. Whether new or not, known or unknown, attacks leverage security gaps.
Gaps such as unpatched or uncharted vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, out-of-date systems, expired certificates, human errors, to name the most common.
Attackers rely on a range of automated offensive testing tools to scan their targets’ environment and propagate inside their network/
Continuously validating your security controls efficacy, provides actionable remediation guidance for uncovered security gaps, providing preventative recommendations to plug any uncovered security gap that could be leveraged by new threats.
Running automated tools to uncover all exposed and compromised assets, including long-forgotten or clandestinely added shadow IT, shines a bright light on breaches of your defences. No good just knowing what has been compromised you must also have a defined response process to mitigate detected and compromised assets to prevent propagation of the threat.
Risk management
Cyber security should be integral to your standard Incident response and change management processes and categorisations providing continuous security assurance.
Typically, forward-thinking organisations try to control their fate by adopting a proactive approach towards cyber security where they leverage breach and attack simulation and attack surface management to identify gaps in advance. Usually, they would begin the journey with the goal of prevention – making sure they finetune all security controls and maximise their effectiveness against known and immediate threats. The next step would be running incident response exercises to make sure nothing goes undetected, moving onwards to vulnerability patching prioritisation.
Our impartial, trusted Tech experts demystify technology to help you innovate and make use of the latest trends to grow through the benefits of Digital Transformation, business process efficiency, innovation and increased scalability while maintaining cyber security, without the cost or effort of recruiting a full time technology leader. If you want to know more visit https://businesstechnologyleaders.com/soln/cyber/ or contact me ([email protected]) today for a confidential and impartial discussion on how we can add value to your business.