Tight… Stingy… Frugal…No actually – just sensible!
When it comes to business you’ve got to turn a profit.
One way of doing this is to make more money. Another and often overlooked way of doing this is to spend less money.
Whatever you’re spending in business it is important to make sure you’re seeing a return on investment (ROI).
It used to be the case that it was often difficult to prove ROI – Other than the cost to you of the product and your overheads it’s difficult to know how much you spent to get that customer there. Fortunately, today it’s much easier to keep track of your spend and your return on investment.
If you’re tracking things properly and you can see something isn’t providing good ROI then you need to seriously consider if it’s worth the spend.
Business Technology Leaders can consolidate your systems to give you accurate and up to the minute reporting of your costs and profit. Have an honest conversation with our impartial, portfolio Business Technology Leaders, who demystify technology to help you innovate and make use of the latest trends to grow through the benefits of Digital Transformation, without the cost or effort of recruiting a full time technology leader. If you want to know more visit https://businesstechnologyleaders.com/soln/portfolio-leaders/ or contact me (simon.lascelles@businesstechnologyleaders.com) for an informal, confidential, impartial, no obligation and free discussion on how we can add value to your business.