Yorkshire people are famed up and down the country for their unique characteristics – but did you know that a lot of these famous Yorkshire values will serve you well in business.
One of the first things people think when it comes to Yorkshire is straight talking. There’s no beating around the bush here – “we say what we mean and we mean what we say”.
Adopting the same policy can serve you well in business.
Every modern business is online, throwing stats and pictures all over social media telling anyone who’ll listen how great they are and how clever their newest thing is.
Trying to research before buying feels like they are trying to bamboozle you into thinking they’re the best.
As a Business make it easy for your customers if you have nothing to hide. Make it clear what you do, how much it costs, and why it works.
Business Technology Leaders customers are glad of a bit of common sense and language they can understand, finding us trustworthy and approachable. Have an honest conversation with our impartial, portfolio Business Technology Leaders, who demystify technology to help you innovate and make use of the latest trends to grow through the benefits of Digital Transformation, without the cost or effort of recruiting a full time technology leader. If you want to know more visit https://businesstechnologyleaders.com/soln/portfolio-leaders/ or contact me ([email protected]) for an informal, confidential, impartial, no obligation and free discussion on how we can add value to your business.